Monday, July 4, 2011

921-Session 10

Welcome to Session 10--Podcasts!

As we move into July and towards the end of the semester I'd like to remind you to please don't wait until the last minute to contact me if you have any questions, and as with all of these projects, "Practicality Shall Take Precedence over All." That means that if you have an idea to modify a Deliverable or Final Project so that it will be more useful to you in your setting then please feel free to pass your ideas by me. (I approve most of them.)

If you'd like to read past participants' comments you may find them here:
Spring '09

Summer of '08 are here.

Some people find that reading these ahead of the session gives them some well-needed perspective.

It is easy to get overwhelmed with Podcasting, so let me put it in simple terms. You have the choice of going the 'simplistic route' or the more 'complex route'. The simple route entails finding, listening, and integrating podcasts that have been created by others into your lessons. The complex route entails creating them yourself or with your students. Keep these distinctions in mind to avoid drowning yourself in S10 & S11.

Someone mentioned that they wanted to know if it was possible to set up an "Instant Messaging" box on their blog. The answer is, "yes!" I haven't tried it myself, but I know that you can use any number of services, like: (, or )

Mr. Dudley (a past participant) mentions his success here.

This session brings us to a new category, "PODCASTING." I have found that teachers' experiences, and exposure, to podcasts vary widely, so I built in some 'Differentiated Instruction' into this session. For those of you new to the term you will be enlightened, and if you want more detail there will be hyperlinks from most slides that will give you that extra support you may need or want. Here is a video to give you a brief overview if you're a 'newbie.'

For those of you with more experience, I have integrated into the session the opportunity to bring yourself to the next stage in your 'podcasting evolution.' You will find video tutorials, and dozens of resources, that will help you rise to the next level of 'podcasting sophistication,' so you may create your own if you are so inclined. Here is a more 'research-based' video for those of you interested in that aspect.  And for those of  you that are in school libraries you can read this article.

For others, you may not have any desire to learn or use podcasts at this point in your career, so if that is the case you may skim through this section and focus upon your Final Project. Next session will expand on Podcasting and address Videocasting.

Good luck and podcast away!



Jennifer Piehler said...

Podcassting seems like a neat way to motivate students. I enjoyed reading about the school in Wells, Maine, where the students were actually looking forward to coming back to their old teachers class to help out with the podcast.

The videos for TIGed were a little confusing because I think the website looks slightly different now. But I could follow along fairly simply.

I wonder how I might integrate a blog into the classroom. Would students be motivated enough to create a podcast, if it wasn't graded? Could I create an assessment for students to create a podcast and how would I grade it (keeping in mind issues with technology). Most of our grades are based on common assessments. Classwork isn't usually counted in the final grade. This session has given me some ideas to toss about...

Mary said...

I haven't done a lot with podcasts myself. Although I've worked with classes and students when they create audio clips to add to their projects. It is perfect for adding spice to a Glogster. One of my English teachers had her students create a Glog around a Literature theme. Some of the kids found a poem or quote that they recorded and added that element to their Glog.

Our district is big on audacity so that is the program I'm most familiar with for creating podcasts.

Our elementary librarians have students create podcasts for books they've read and then added them to the circulation catalog. When students search for a book in the OPAC (online catalog) they can click on the podcast and hear another students review.

Eileen said...

Mary, I'm impressed with how much your district is already using podcasting in various formats. That is wonderful that young students will already be familiar with this format and won't be afraid to use it as they get older.

I can identify with Jennifer's comments as well about trying to figure out how best to integrate this technology into the classroom setting and assessing it. I sometimes think that you must first just simply start using it and see how it plays out and then figure out the assessment piece as you go along and get more comfortable with what the students will and can do and also know how much you can expect from them. Sometimes, I think we are trying to do too much all at once instead of just jumping into some of these new things.

In looking through this session, I came across the podcast for the President's weekly address and also the podcasts for Purdue University which I found quite interesting; I really liked the idea that universities are implementing this tool for there students. What a great tool for students to be able to have and use and be able to go back to if they need to. This will be particularly helpful for college students with learning disabilities.

A friend of mine knew that I was learning about podcasting this week and saved a podcast this week for me to listen to on the Casey Anthony case which I had been following on the news. How timely.

Karen said...

S10: Podcasting is something that I do not have a very good background with. Many of our local news stations have podcasts available for viewing but I have never taken the time to download one and watch on the go...this is something that I am planning to check out over the summer.

At school all our morning announcements are done on a podcast, we watch it every morning but I have no idea how it is created. It seems very interesting and the students seem to really enjoy it. I also think it would be something that they could really get into. After viewing the session 10 powerpoint and viewing the video on the blog it does seem pretty easy to use. I am hoping to do some more research with it this summer and possibly try podcasting out with my students sometime in the next school year.

My biggest worry is that it would take a large amount of class time to have students create a I off base with that assumption?

Lori said...

S10 - I am also not familiar with podcasting, although maybe I have used it and haven't thought of it as podcasting.

I have to agree with Jennifer that it does seem like a neat way to motivate students. Really anything that is within their realm of technology is usually fairly intriguing to them!

I am unsure how much class time it would take to set it up and have students become fluent enough in podcasts to properly implement them into my class and effectively have students relate their podcasts to the Language Arts content, rather than just the fun technology piece of it.

It would be neat though to record our own lessons and post them as podcasts for our students to refer to as a study guide, or if they are absent. I wonder if this is already happening out there...