Well we've come to the end of the semester. Please post your Final Project below (before midnight 6/25) and also post it to the wiki:
http://wikidave.wikispaces.com/Final+Projects this way you will have your original draft locked into our blog and future participants will be able to add to, and improve upon, your project in the wiki. Perpetually evolving, forever improving, changing, and growing.
It was a pleasure working with all of you. I will be sending you your semester grade early next week.
Good luck, and as always, feel free to contact me if you ever have any questions.
Professionally Yours,
Dave Fontaine
Internet Librarian
National Board Certified Teacher
Educational Consultant
Final Project Jackie Fagan
Lesson 1 Introduction to Atomic structure Molecular workbench
Introduction: I am currently participating in a study on the effectiveness of using models to teach science. This online site (open to use by any teacher) teaches scientific concepts through the use of tutorials and modules that allow students to manipulate molecular models. I utilize this software to introduce, reinforce, or review content that I teach in my chemistry classes. For this topic I use it to introduce atomic structure. Students are able to manipulate the number of subatomic particles in an atom and see the affect it has on the atom. The overview given is taken from the model on the molecular workbench site.
** There are opportunities for any teachers to participate in this program. Contact information is available on request
Task: Students must complete the model on Atomic Structure on molecular workbench.
(Atomic Structure Overview) In this activity, students explore the structure and properties of atoms. They construct models of atoms with properties of particular mass and charge; create models of atoms with different stabilities by adding or subtracting neutrons, protons, and electrons; and determine that the same element may exist with different numbers of neutrons (called isotopes).
Expectations Students will be able to:
Gain experience using online tutorials
Gain experience manipulating computer models
Contribute to the improvement of molecular workbench via feedback
Content expectations
• Explore the probabilistic electron orbital model to help explain where electrons are most likely to be found.
• Explain that all atoms have similar structure, differing only in the number of protons, neutrons, and electrons.
• Build models of atoms and ions and identify patterns in numbers of protons and neutrons in stable nuclei and ions.
• Describe simple patterns in the periodic table.
Day 1: Electrons around the nucleus - old and new models, elements, ions, isotopes and radioactivity
Day 2: Orbitals, building up electron orbitals, periodic table
Possible Student Pre/Misconceptions
• Students hold onto notions regarding earlier models of the atom. For example, electrons circle the nucleus in a set orbit, like planets around the sun.
• Orbitals tell you exactly where any electron is located at a given point in time.
• Physicists currently have a complete and “right” model of the atom.
• Electrons, protons and neutrons are all the same size and have the same mass.
• Atoms are small solid spheres.
Adaptations: Often this modules work best if we do them as a class. Using a VPU, I am able to stop the model when needed to clear up misconceptions.
1. Molecular workbench requires students to answer question throughout the activity. I can access their answers and use them as formative assessments of their understanding.
2. I use summary questions provided for teachers as a quiz at the end of day 2.
3. Since I am involved in a study, I require students to give feedback on how they feel molecular workbench helped them. Given as a quiz grade students could be required to blog their feedback and bounce ideas off me and other students on ways the modules could be modified.
I have posted lesson one here. The full final project will be on the wiki.
Jennifer Limoges
Remedial Reading
Unit for Grade 4/5
Washington Oak School
Final Project
Unit Overview:
This unit incorporates several uses of web 2.0 technology into an existing study on the novel Because of Winn-Dixie by Kate DiCamillo. Students currently work with this novel to study vocabulary, practice summarizing skills, answer focus questions, study character traits, and to practice oral reading fluency rates with repeated reading of chosen passages.
Unit Goals:
•Students will respond to focus questions using a blog
•Students will give examples of vocabulary use
•Students will write chapter summaries on the group wiki
•Students will listen to samples of fluent passage readings from the text on short podcasts, and then will create their own podcasts of fluent reading samples after repeated practice reading aloud.
•Students will study elements of characterization and complete an extension based on the lists of 10 given in the novel
The specific lessons fromt his unit can be viewed at:
Happy Summer Everyone!
This lesson will be team taught with myself and the 5th grade classroom teacher. The students have to complete a research project on an assigned Roman god or goddess in pairs. The classroom teacher will hand out a graphic organizer of questions they are required to answer such as what was their Greek name, did they have any special powers, etc. I will discuss with the students research skills, creating a wiki with PBwiki, and creating a podcast and then help them implement these into their final product. Unit will span 9-10 30minutes lessons.
Pre-Activities Day 1
Our pre-activity will be a wiki and podcast discussion. Questions will be discussed such as what is a wiki, what are they good for, and we will look at examples of wikis. Students will already have some background knowledge from previous discussions on wikipedia and using it as a source. I will be pulling examples from wikipedia and http://www.teachersfirst.com/content/wiki/. We will then have a discussion on could we use a wiki for this project. I will then show the students the wiki created for their class project and we will discuss how to add content to it.
Pre-Activities Day 2
Students will be given an introduction to podcasting. We will look at examples such as Cheshire public library podcast page and I will record and play back a quick podcast for the students. Time permitting I will let a few students try it out too.
Days 3-5
A brief review and discussion will be given on appropriate sources for this project. Students will already have background knowledge on appropriate sources. Students will then be handed their graphic organizer and spend the rest of day 3 and day 4 researching. Day 5 is included for those students who need more time but some might be already moving on to the wiki.
Day 5-6
After students have the appropriate information recorded in their graphic organizer they will begin adding content to the wiki. Those students who are done early will begin on their podcast.
Day 6-7
By day 7 all students should begin recording their podcast. Higher level students will write and record a short scripted play of their character. Other students will be required to record facts about their Roman god or goddess.
Day 8
A catch up day if needed and all projects will be due by the end of class time.
Day 9
Today will be the viewing party and we will view our wiki and listen to our podcasts in the computer lab.
If all goes well with the project I would also introduce video blogging to the students and show then some examples. The students, in the classroom, do an end of year project where they dress up and have a Roman feast. With parental permission we could also record this as a videoblog and even set it up as a guess who I am game.
Students will be graded with the following rubric:
5th Grade Roman Gods and Goddess Wiki and Podcasting Project
_____ 5 points. Teamwork. All team members worked together in a collaborative manner.
_____ 10 points. Research. Appropriate sources were used and correctly cited.
____ 10 points. Criteria. All assignment criteria is met.
_____ 30 points. Content. Wiki content is well organized, answers appropriate questions on graphic organizer, correctly summarizes and cites sources used, and is free of grammar and spelling mistakes.
_____ 5 points. Teamwork. All team members worked together in a collaborative manner.
_____ 15 points. Organization. Podcast script is organized well and uses appropriate and intelligent language.
_____ 25 points. Podcast. Podcast is recorded with loud and clear voices, contains required information, and is entertaining.
Liz Charest
k-5 Music Teacher
North Kingstown
Final Project
Instrument Wiki Unit
My project will be a class wiki on band and string instruments. I am choosing this topic because my fourth grade students study band and string instruments at the end of the school year to prepare them for joining band and strings when they are in the fifth grade.
Unit Objectives = Students will learn about various band and string instruments by doing research and contributing to a class wiki. Students will reflect on their choices for instruments by responding to prompts on the class blog.
Blog prompts = A) Are you considering playing an instrument in fifth grade?
If not, why?
If so, which instrument and why?
National Music Standards Addressed:
6. Listening to, analyzing, and describing music.
8. Understanding relationships between music, the other arts, and disciplines outside the arts.
9. Understanding music in relation to history and culture.
Summary of class work:
Students will work individually on a contribution for the class instrument wiki. They will need to research their instruments origins, what it looks like, how you play it, what music styles it plays, or what ensembles it can be in. Students should add any other facts that they find interesting. Students will compose a paragraph about their findings and post it to the class wiki. Students will also go to youtube and find an appropriate video of a person playing their instrument and post the link to their spot on the class wiki. After all wikis have been completed, student will peruse the class wiki and then answer the prompts on the class blog.
Tools we will be using:
We will be using kid friendly search engines. If we use search engines that are not kid friendly the content may be too extensive and some students will become overwhelmed. I also want to make sure that everything they research is appropriate for their age group.
As a class we will be discussing some ways to narrow our searches on the internet.
We will also be using the class blog, the class wiki and youtube
Lesson Overview:
#1 Introduction to the instrument rental program and school lessons. Introduction to instrument choices in fifth garde.
#2 Introduction to the class wiki. Assignment of instruments. Start research using a graphic organizer. Start writing paragraph.
#3 Finish writing the paragraph. Start posting the paragraph to the wiki.
#4 Finish posting the paragraph to the wiki. Find and post the instrument video from youtube,
#5 Peruse the class wiki and respond to the prompts on the class blog.
Assessment: Graded using the district wide elementary proficiency based grading system on the following criteria:
Use of class time and resources
Written paragraph
Blog Entry
Instrument Wiki Unit
Lesson #1
Objectve: Students will know about the fifth grade instrument program by participating in a group discussion.
National Standards Addressed:
6. Listening to, analyzing, and describing music
Materials Used: Trumpet, flute, clarinet, violin, any other fifth grade instruments
1. Teacher will tell the students about why to take an instrument in the fifth grade
Enjoyable making music
Make friends
Go on trips
Something you can do for life
May be the only opportunity
Lessons are free
2. Go over rental program and how lessons work
3. Introduce the instruments
Demonstrate how to play each instrument
4. (Closing) Answer any questions the students may have
Instrument Wiki Unit
Lesson #2
Objectve: Students will be assigned an instrument. Students will research their instrument by using search engines on the computer.
National Standards Addressed:
6. Listening to, analyzing, and describing music
8. Understanding relationships between music, the other arts, and disciplines outside the arts.
9. Understanding music in relation to history and culture.
Materials Used: Dice, computer lab, graphic organizer, pencils
Procedure: (In the computer lab)
1. Teacher will introduce the project and read the students the assessment rubric.
2. Teacher will show the students how to create their wiki using the Smartboard in the computer lab. teacher will go over appropriate Search Engines, ex: www.askkids.com,
3. Students will be assigned a number. Teacher will roll the dice to assign a student to a number.
4. Students will choose a work station and start researching their instrument
Research Topics:
History and Origin of instrument
how to play the instrument
musical styles the instrument plays
any other interesting facts
5. Students use the graphic organizer provided by the teacher to organize their thoughts.
Instrument Wiki Unit
Lesson #3
Objectve: Students will create a paragraph on their instrument using the information on the graphic organizer. Students will post their paragraph to the class wiki.
National Standards Addressed:
6. Listening to, analyzing, and describing music
8. Understanding relationships between music, the other arts, and disciplines outside the arts.
9. Understanding music in relation to history and culture.
Materials Used: computer lab, graphic organizer
Procedure: (In the computer lab)
1. Students will be given back their graphic organizer.
2. Students will compose their paragraph using the information on the graphic organizer.
3. Students will post their paragraph on the class wiki.
Instrument Wiki Unit
Lesson #4
Objectve: Students will complete their wiki by putting an instrument video on their page.
National Standards Addressed:
6. Listening to, analyzing, and describing music
8. Understanding relationships between music, the other arts, and disciplines outside the arts.
9. Understanding music in relation to history and culture.
Materials Used: computer lab, youtube
Procedure: (In the computer lab)
1. Teacher will show the students how to go onto youtube and copy a video link by demonstrating on the Smartboard. Teacher will review what an appropriate video looks like
Video demonstrates good posture, care of instrument, appropriate song, nice sound.
2. Students will use the rest of class time to research their video, then post it to their wiki page near their paragraph.
Instrument Wiki Unit
Lesson #5
Objectve: Students will reflect on their instrument choice for next year by responding to the prompts on the class blog.
National Standards Addressed:
6. Listening to, analyzing, and describing music
8. Understanding relationships between music, the other arts, and disciplines outside the arts.
9. Understanding music in relation to history and culture.
Materials Used: computer lab,
Procedure: (In the computer lab)
1. Students will spend half of the class looking at their
classmates wiki entries.
2. After looking at the wikis, students will go to the class blog and respond to the prompts… Are you considering playing an instrument in fifth grade?
If not, why?
If so, which instrument and why?
My lesson and rubric will be on the wiki.
Creating a Wiki Space for One-to-One pilot grant. This wiki will be used in 2 classes as a springboard for everything done in those classrooms. I have created the wiki and started to hunt for resources as well as links that could be used for the lessons. I ended up going with a pbwiki (which now is called pbworks), because the site was free of advertisements, free for educators, and has a limited number of people who can actually be members. This was something that the team wanted in their wiki.
Right now the wiki is largely speaking to the teachers of the team and the school administrators, but that is because they are the only ones who know about this so far. It will be changed by the fall and also will be constantly evolving as we find new ideas, links, tools, etc. with reaching our students. Feel free to view it at the link below. Thank you everyone for your ideas and help with the resources.
I posted my final project today. It's a two week unit on Elie Wiesel's memoir, NIGHT. Students blog throughout, create a podcast of a dramatic reading and reflection for a significant passage, conduct a webquest, and create a wiki page on a particular topic. Thanks for all of the great information. I'll definitley be back to see future semesters' contributions.
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