Session 4 & Deliverable #2
If you do not have a high speed Internet connection (definitely the minority of you) then the video (around 8 minutes in length) is available in other formats at:
As you begin to work on, and think about, your project for Deliverable #2, (details in the syllabus and please post in both the blog and the wiki) consider using these resources to guide your integration with the students:
Past semester participants' comments and Deliverble #2's:
And don't forget to visit your peers' blogs. Pamela's elementary school now has 11 bloggers, including the Principal!!! Wow! Her school only started on the blogging bandwagon last summer when one of her co-workers took my 920 class. Great job Narragansett Elementary School!
And also check out Jennifer Geller's posting. It traveled so far around the blogosphere that the author of our main text, Will Richardson, even responded by leaving a comment on her blog. These examples are just tip of the iceberg. Explore and check things out for yourself.
And if you haven't already, check out the tool I've added to our blog. Just double click on any word and check it out. There's even an audio option.
Someone was looking for information on 'copyrights.' One way to avoid copyright issues for online images, (or any other kind of file) is to do a search for files that are 'free to use and share'. For example, try a Google Advanced search, but choose the 'usage rights' option. Once there you can decide which kind of 'usage restriction' suits your needs. In this example, I did an GAdvanced search for butterfly, chose 'free to use and share', and then also restricted my search to (an online image site). It takes a few steps, but you can eliminate copyright issues entirely with this process. It also works for PowerPoints. In this example I did a GAdvanced search for caterpillar and restricted my file type to: PowerPoints that were 'free to use and share' and found these were my results. I chose the first link in my results list and ended up with 642 slides from the Encyclopedia Britannica (a pretty dull first choice), but if it was something that was useful then I could just choose the 'embed' option from this page and place it onto my blog w/o any copyright infringement. Like this:
and now you have a 642 page slideshow that is viewable in your blog posting. If this is a little over your head then don't kill yourself trying to recreate it, but if you are determined, and you get stuck, then you can always use the Blogger help section.
One of the education blogs that I subscribe to also recently wrote on this topic. Check it out:
On another topic---Lynne and Joanne were discussing the editing ability of posts. Blogs are more static than wikis (which we'll be discussing later in the semester), so when you post a comment to someone else's blog and you want it changed, then your only option is to delete it and rewrite it. Lynne correctly mentioned that when you are in your own blog and you write a posting then you can always go back and edit it when you are in your 'Dashboard' screen, so these are some options.
David C. mentioned last week,
"As the availability of 'going online' becomes more affordable and the price
of technology continues to decrease, I'm sure we'll see even more families in
our classrooms join the world wide web. With this in mind, educators must also
do everything we can to use the tools that our students are using in order to
reach them. It makes me think back to when the second or third generation ipod
came out... I remember hearing about the first colleges that were making
podcasts for their students to listen to. (Will we learn anything about
making/using podcasts this semester? - just a side thought)"
Well David mentions how some colleges and universities are making podcasts, but it goes much further than this. Dozens of schools are now recording professor's lectures (some video, but most just audio) and putting them online, along with the support material for the course. But even more powerful than this is the fact that they are also allowing the lectures to be accessed from anyone in the entire world.
It is part of the "Open Educational Resources" movement. If this topic interests you and you decide to explore this path, then check out some of the cool things out there, like this interactive site on "Trapezoids."
Even more important however is the number of colleges that are beginning to subscribe to this philosophy. Just check out this list of schools, and then take a look at all 1800 different courses that MIT makes freely available.
I also subscribe to this philosophy. By now most of you have noticed that all of our weekly sessions are licensed under Creative Commons. We'll go into more detail later in the semester about this movement when we begin talking about 'wikis' and start to create and edit some.
David also mentions,
"I remember Dave mentioning that he doesn't even have to log on to the
blog to make comments.. he can do it from his email. Was I just hearing things
wrong? If not, I am not sure where to go to set up my blog so I can work though
my email. If that is possible, then I could open one less application and work
solely though Mail."
Well, when you are logged into your Blogger account go to the Dashboard option and from there choose, 'Settings' and then both, 'Emails' and 'Comments.' Within both of those tabs you'll see the options to email postings to your blog, as well as have every comment emailed to you.
Lastly, keep on checking each other's blogs and don't be afraid to post a comment or two. Those who have already begun using them in class can use your comment as an example to the students that there are other people around the world reading their work. Just take a look at the # of comments to Erin's postings. Way to set the bar!!! (Backup copy of Session 4)
Happy blogging,
PS----One last reading for this session. It's worth the quick skim:
I was trying to post a comment to your 4C blog, but was unable to. It says I am not a member of the group and I was resticted. Mine may be the same way, since I chose private when I created it for my class, but I am not sure. Therefore, I have made my comment here:
Your list of blogs uses is pretty comprehensive. I have the same question..How to use blogs in my classrooms. I found these links helpful. I particulaly like the picture of a blog on the second link! and
Dear Frank,
I was going to publish my comment on your blog. However, since you are currently using your blog for student conversations I didn't know if you wanted comments from non-class members. I cannot comment on your question about whether Freud being a fraud and wasting time since I wasn't there, but this class sounds very interesting. From what I gather from all the blog comments, there has been a lot learning and analysis going on. Sounds like time well spent to me!
Deliverable 2
Before I post my plan, thank you for letting me know about the inability to leave comments on my 4C blog j wilson. I honestly have not used that blog/nor looked at it, since I'm using something different for my classroom.
Using iweb for the mac, I created a class site where I've been able to quickly post pictures, a class calendar, and several blogs. One blog covers homework (which I do not allow comments on) Another blog I use for more interactive communication between students and families. This blog covers my weekly news, and what my Deliverable 2 is on. While I'd love to show off the work, I am unable to because my class website is password protected (to give my families a sense of security). I am thinking, though, of creating an online book club for my reading group (our 5 fourth grade classes group our students homogeneously for reading, so I may use the blogger site for that eventually).
As for this lesson, I have started to introduce the concept of blogging (in small portions) to my students. I'll be introducing the class website to families this Wednesday, and encouraging them to leave comments to our class (I have a few students posting already just so I can show the families the potential of the blog). Here is my lesson in brief, I'll also be posting it on the wiki.
Lesson Plan: Scientific Observations
Background/ Pre-Writing: Students have been learning how scientists observe, record, and communicate scientific information. Each student has had practice writing good fourth grade sentences, and knows which components are necessary when recording observations.
Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to post comments summarizing what they learned in science during the week. I hope to also have parents leave comments, questioning my young scientists. This in turn will allow my class to look at questions, and create experiments that will answer any posed questions. Overall, I would like to use the blog to allow parents and students to communicate about our weekly science discoveries.
Standards: (GLE’s addressed)
W-4-3.4 (Organizing ideas, using transition words/phrases and writing a conclusion)
W-4-4.1 (Creating a clear, understandable story line with a beginning, middle, and end)
W-4-6.4 (Writing a conclusion)
W-4-11 (Demonstrates the habit of writing extensively by…)
W-4-1 (Students demonstrate command of the structures of sentences…)
W-4-8 (In informational writing… students demonstrate use of a range of elaboration strategies by…)
Commenting: Students will be required to post a comment (as their science group) about what they learned this week. They will be expected to use good fourth grade sentences (proper punctuation, sentences have a beginning, middle and an end, stay on topic, use content vocabulary). They will also be expected to read other students comments, and leave praise for their peers’ comments (at least to one other comment). If students are responding to a parents question, they will be expected to leave an “I think…” comment, and then afterwards a follow-up. Students will be graded on a 3-2-1 Blog posting rubric (seen below).
3-2-1 Blog Posting Rubric –
3- Students’ post correctly summarizes the week’s science lessons. The post includes praise, and response to another students/parents post. Sentences are fourth grade quality
2- Students’ post summarizes most of what occurred during the week’s science lessons. The post includes praise or response to another students/parents post. Sentences are almost fourth grade quality.
1- Students’ post summarizes some or little of what occurred during the week’s science lessons. The post does not include any praise or response to another students/parents post.
Differentiation: Students who do not have computers at home, will be able to write their “post” on paper and hand it in that way. They will get a print out of the comments already posted, so that they can reply to the post even though they are usual normal media methods. Students who have difficulty recalling their weekly science lessons can use their Science Journals to recall lessons, vocabulary and “Big Ideas” that we talked about.
Melissa, I'm sorry to say that while I'm comfortable with dreamweaver, I haven't come across a way to embed a blog into a site!
DELIVERABLE #2 My original plan to integrate an edublog into an existing classroom lesson was to have students post their computer projects on the Internet as an e-portfolio and comment on each others. At this point I do not think that a blog is the vehicle for this. Therefore, the lesson I wish to incorporate into my Grade 8 Computer Class Blog is that of a weekly reflection and comments.
Curriculum and Standards
This year, among other goals, my school district has a universal goal to improve writing scores on the CMTs (Connecticut Mastery Test). My principal has adopted this goal as a building goal. Thus all of the teachers, regardless of subject area, need to have a writing goal for the year to ultimately help improve writing scores. We have been given information developed by Language Arts teachers to help guide our expectations of the students.
As a computer teacher I have adapted this writing goal and intend to use our class blog to offer increased writing opportunities for my eighth grade students.
Student -Centeredness or Objective
Students will write a response to a blog post.
Each week I will post a situation that the students address. The first week I will ask for comments on my posting, but after that I will want them to comment against my posting and then comment on at least two other students’ responses. In the beginning I will designate who each student will respond to, using a round-robin system. If that goes well, I am hopeful they will comment on others of their choice.
The comments should be eighth grade quality and offer further information to move the conversation along. Although they may offer constructive criticism there will be no put-downs. At least once I will request that the students to write a compliment to two other students in the class about their postings or work they have done on a computer project.
Assessment of student work will be based on whether assignment was completed on time and according to the guidelines. A rubric will be applied to the writing of the comments. We will review the postings as a class as a way of acknowledging the reflections or ideas of the students.
Instructional Design
Each week the reflection will be different. Some will be based on the week’s activities. Others will be opportunities for the students to write their thoughts on a topic that is somehow related to computers or technology. The students may be requested to summarize a lesson, compare and contrast different products that we use, or designate what software/ technique might be more appropriate in a given situation.
Motivated students may alter the path of a conversation and bring up new topics. Students can offer suggestions for commenting and possible topics for blog conversations. Since we have headsets, the students have the ability to record their comments. If they choose or if they do not have computer access at home, they may hand-write their comments, The students will be given several days to post their comments to our blog.
To Jane- I tried to add the following comment to your computer class blog, but I was not permitted as I am not a member. I think that is an appropriate precaution to take to shield students from inappropriate comments, but I thought you might be interested in my (barred) comment anyway: I am also curious about how students view computers in their lives. Computers are so integrated into teens lives, but I think they are taken for granted. Unless you have a smartphone, do you feel disconnected from the world on long car trips?
Deliverable #2 from Tamara Weinberg: A blog as a tool to communicate news and share resources with staff.
I created the blog "What's New @TMS LMC?" to provide information to staff about ongoing events and promotions in the Library Media Center, as well as to share resources that our faculty can use to assist with lesson planning. Although I have a web page for the LMC with some library news and teacher resources, it is primarily geared towards students and contains a virtual library and numerous links to databases, subscription services, and various websites that students use for research projects. I wanted to have a separate vehicle to communicate with teachers so that they can look to one place for information about library events without having to search for emails from me or for relevant files on our server. I plan to gradually add more teacher resources in addition to library news so that teachers will check the blog more frequently for helpful information.
The blog will serve as a communication tool and a resource for teachers, but I also intend for it to be a way for teachers to become comfortable with using blogs. One of our building goals is to improve student writing, and many of our teachers have expressed an interest in using blogs. Although their blogs would be used for students to post written work, the LMC blog can be used as an example to show the mechanics of creating a blog and the ease of use. By becoming familiar with navigating the LMC blog, teachers will hopefully gain enough confidence to create their own blogs (with assistance) for classroom use.
Introducing the blog:
I decided to start slow by adding a link to the blog to the LMC webpage without a formal introduction to the staff. It is visible only to staff members. I mentioned it to a few teachers who are very interested in technology, by using it as an example of a blog or by pointing out specific information that I thought they would be interested in. As I added more news items, I would send out my usual email to staff and then mention the blog and include a direct link so that interested teachers could follow up. One problem with this gradual approach is that I had no way of knowing if anybody was viewing the blog. I eventually added a hit counter so that I could reassure myself that someone else was reading it.I was thrilled when a teacher mentioned that she noticed the link on the webpage and took a look because she was intrigued. I didn't want to advertise the blog too heavily and then have teachers be disappointed and never look at it again, so I am trying to gradually add features before I make a formal announcement to the entire staff. I also plan to solicit input from teachers about the types of information that would be most useful to them. I want to add more labels so that it will be easier to search to make it more user-friendly.When I feel that the blog contains sufficient resources, I might demonstrate it at a staff meeting so that teachers will be more aware of it as a resource.
Future goals:
I plan to include more teacher resources, including:
Links to databases, especially those for which we currently have a trial subscription, with detailed explanations of the best uses for each database
Links to tutorials for software and hardware tools that would assist teachers with delivering curriculum
Links to websites with curriculum-specific resources that teachers can use for lesson planning
Articles and videos of interest to teachers.
I also intend to publish general information about library rules and the use of resources that tend to be forgotten as the year progresses. I am considering creating a blogroll so that teachers can easily access the thoughts of various forward-thinking educators, especially in the field of educational technology. Another possibility is to use the site for mini-surveys about potential improvements to the library media program and to solicit input for our technology committee. I hope to continue to develop the blog to serve as a a communication tool as well as a useful resource for teachers. Perhaps I can convince more teachers to sign on as "followers" so that they will be alerted to new postings.
Session 4: Pam Stevens
I have found so many really valuable sites this week. In particular, while searching for NETS for Teachers for our Deliverable #2 assignment, I found a (sadly, now defunct) foundation that offers some outstanding educational resources that include studies, related research, articles, lessons, and other materials for teachers and administrators that I stayed up way too late reading!
I visited several of the blogs and deliverables from previous classes, as well as from our class, and learned much from the postings. Some of our class blogs have the comments blocked because they are for their classes; other must be blocked for other reasons. I am drawn to those sites that include a variety of multimedia and interactive gadgets, such as videos, links, surveys, and images. I plan to embed more engaging tools in my blog.
Summary of Delivery 2: As a Classrooms for the Future coach, I plan to transform my blog and wiki into resource sites for all of the staff. I plan to use my blog as a communication and reflection tool, as well as a resource site for all of the district staff. I plan to include my technology tips, links to online resources of web tools downloads and tutorials, FAQ’s, surveys, and a place to reflect on the direction in which the Fairview district teachers and other staff want and need to go as we become 21st Century teachers, administrators, and learners.
I plan to offer the blog a site to reflect on what we are learning, integrating, discovering, and planning. I know that the blog must offer something worth reading and responding to. Ted Neward’s blog etiquette post offers good advice. I also need to consciously devote time to it every day. All the blogs I enjoyed visiting were dynamic and offered something new and engaging. Sometimes, it was simply a new idea: John Dudley’s “Mr. D Online” has a very simple timeline activity that I plan to share with my teachers and plan to use in an in-service I am offering next week to other CFF teachers. Thanks, John!
Erin Wright’s survey poll offers a great place to get feedback from my teachers to see what web 2.0 tools or other areas they want to investigate.
I really liked the AnswerTips tool. I shared it with one of the special needs teachers who thinks it will be an excellent application that our teachers can easily integrate and that will help so many of her students. I am amazed that what we offer pales compared to what we could offer.
My goal for the future of my blog is that my teachers continue to integrate these new strategies and tools and our students’ education truly becomes 21st century.
My entire Delivery #2 is posted on the class wikispace.
Session 4 posting: Pam Hurt
Wow! The variety of blog examples and information this week were outstanding! Browsing through them really convinces me how far I have to go…and how technology offers us seemingly limitless opportunities to create authentic and truly meaningful lessons for our students!
I viewed and responded to others’ blogs…such variety! In looking at some of our class blogs and accompanying information, it’s certainly clear that maximizing use of technology does enhance learning! For example, at the blog, I could have cheered at the guidelines for powerpoint presentations. I couldn’t agree more! While I haven’t asked my students to reduce text to one word per screen, I have worked to minimize their dependence on script rather than focusing on the visual aspect of these presentations. Great information…I’ll borrow some of those directives! An additional note, while this particular blog was not particularly enticing visually, for me, the information compensated well!
At the Learning to Avoid School Talk blog, I was so impressed with Konrad Glogowski’s creativity and effort in creating an authentic lesson incorporating music as a means to interpret literature. I fully agree that students’ discussions can diminish to “school talk” as our charges attempt to seek out the teacher’s perspective rather than really striving to draw meaning from text, to engage in real discussion, and to form personal and supported interpretations. As I listened to Mr. Glogowski’s tape and those from his students, I could feel the pain and isolation Ann Frank expressed in her diary. What a great lesson! Again, while the blog didn’t depend on lots of “bells and whistles”, incorporating and describing the teacher’s process, the audio tapes, and description of their preparation made this a valuable visit…one I’ll revisit…a technique I’d like to attempt, too!
Summary of Deliverable 2; Complete assignment is posted on Dave’s Wiki
I plan to use my blog as an integral component of my 9th grade unit on J.D. Salinger’s The Catcher in the Rye. The novel always raises a lot of questions and blogging is a superb tool to encourage student reflection and interaction. Through the blogging assignment, I want to extend my students’ appreciation and understanding of the novel, particularly focusing on the influence of setting and development of Holden Caulfield’s character. As this blog will incorporate visual and audio components, I hope to appeal to diverse learning styles.
Furthermore, I’m hoping to complement student response by inviting and encouraging response from parents, teachers, and administrators. The blog will be used to promote understanding and discussion, both online and in class.
While I hope to avoid trials and missteps in incorporating this lesson, I can imagine a few problems. For instance, since I share computers, I may face some limitations in scheduling; infrequently, too, the system is “down”, so our in-class work on the computers would be interrupted. I could also imagine that some students, less computer-literate, might encounter some problems in fulfilling the assignment. Finally, the transience of web sites might also pose a problem. I could envision, further, that my hoped-for adult involvement might be less than anticipated…resulting from obligations they face.
I feel this lesson would be extremely helpful in developing students’ proficiency in interpreting literature, using technology, and improving composition. Additionally, because the lesson incorporates a variety of learning styles, I believe I’d encourage interest, creativity, and hopefully, meaningful interpretations. Finally, by involving adults, the significance of pairing the study of literature with technology would be stressed both to the students and adults.
As I look to the future, I hope to continue to expand my facility with technology not only to engage my students, but also to create meaningful assignments where technology serves to strengthen their learning process, preparation, and presentation. Finally, I hope this lesson will serve as a solid foundation for my students’ further study of and response to literature.
Frank Yip
Lincoln High School
First, I would like to thank Ms. Wilson for her kind comments about my psychology blogs. As for commenting on them, please feel free to post a comment. The kids are reading each other’s responses and they would be thrilled to know that someone from the “outside” is taking an interest in their work. In fact, I did share your comment with the class and they appreciated it.
I started using this Freud or Fraud Socratic seminar last year and added the blogs to it this semester. Both classes have taken to the blogging very well. Like I had previously stated, it helps to inform my teaching, gives the students a forum to express themselves in a constructive manner, and maybe most importantly, allows them to learn from each other when they read the comments.
I just concluded the seminars today (I have large numbers so I divide the class into inner and outer circle – inner circle discusses while outer circle takes notes on the participants. They then switch places the next day. Wish we had some type of block schedule.). I am absolutely convinced that the blogs contribute greatly to the seminar since it focuses the students on the most relevant issues and they come prepared with many ideas to share. I am trying to get my colleagues to see what I am doing and encouraging them to try it. Maybe in time…
Deliverable #2
Sigmund Freud is the most controversial figure in 20th century Psychology. People either loved him (or his theory) or hated him (or his theory). There was little middle ground. After learning about his theory on personality and reading opposing viewpoints, let us assess the place of Freud’s ideas in the modern world. After all, the class has spent significant time learning about him. Was that time well-spent? Was he a "fraud" and I have misused the limited time we have in Psychology or do you think Freudian theory is still relevant today and should continue to be an important part of any Psychology curriculum.
We will discuss this issue in a two day Socratic seminar.
The students will be able to understand and explain the principle elements of Freud’s personality theory.
The students will be able to take position on the relevance of his theory in the modern world and defend it in both a written response on the blogs and in a Socratic seminar.
Pre- Activities
Class lectures
Text readings
Reading three articles on Freudian theory and therapy:
An Unhappy Birthday to Sigmund the Fraud
What Freud Got Right
Psychoanalytic Therapy Wins Backing
Blogs ( & defending or refuting certain aspects of his theory as they read and learn about his theory
Blogs relating ego defense mechanisms to their lives
Writing Assignments
Sample prompts:
Now that you have been introduced to some of Sigmund Freud's theory, tell me what part of his structure of the personality makes sense to you. Also if something sounds ridiculous, comment on it, too. Explain why it makes sense or why it does not.
Give us an example of one instance in which you or someone you know (make up a name to protect the innocent or guilty) used an ego defense mechanism. Be sure to identify the defense mechanism used. Then tell us if you believe ego defense mechanisms are real and a natural way to deal with difficult psychological conditions. Be sure to explain why or why not.
Extension and Adaptation
Students who have difficulty expressing their viewpoints during the fast pace of the Socratic seminar will be able to express their opinions and defense on the class blog. Their responses on the blog can be used as their assessment in lieu of speaking in class.
Text-based Discussion Rubric (Full rubric is on the wiki page)
Meets Standard
Shows respect and patience for a range of individual ideas by participating in group discussions. OC–10–1.4
Makes insightful comments and brings others into the conversation by utilizing logical organization and language, appropriate to audience, context, and purpose. OC–10–2.1
Addresses most comments to other participants to encourage further discussion.
Speaking & Reasoning
Supports thesis with well-chosen details and provides a coherent conclusion by making some connections between ideas and/or resolving contradictory concepts. OC–10–2.3
Analysis is logical and considers some alternative viewpoints (anticipates and addresses potential problems, mistakes, or misunderstandings that might arise for the audience). W–10–8.3
Consistently demonstrates active listening by accurately summarizing, paraphrasing, questioning, or contributing to information presented. OC–10–1.2
Maintains consistent focus by identifying and evaluating the essential elements of the discussion and pointing out some faulty logic and ignoring most distractions.
OC–10–1.3, OC-10-2.2
Reaches a consensus with the group to solve a problem, make a decision, or achieve a goal. OC-10.1.5
Demonstrates familiarity with the text by drawing inferences, including one about author’s purpose. R-10-8.3
Demonstrates comprehension strategies by making accurate references to the text to answer questions, to state the main/central ideas, and/or to provide supporting details. R–10–12, R-10-13
I scanned through several blogs and tried to think a different and creative way to use one in a classroom for this assignment. Using a Blogger account to set up a classroom blog along with a field trip with a Fifth Grade class is one idea I came up with. The blog will allow the students to extend their learning as well as show what they have learned and comment on other students writing.
Prior to the field trip, I would post links for the field trip site on the blog. I will use Roger Williams Park in Providence, RI as an example for this lesson. I would also post links to other zoos as well as links to sites and blogs about animals the students would likely see at the zoo. These sites would allow the students to research any questions or interests they may have. This would allow the students to begin thinking and learning about the zoo and the animals they will see.
I would post a few comments to get the students to start blogging to the site. Some of these comments would be what I expected to see, my prior visits, and what my favorite animals are. I would encourage the students to comment on my post as well as add their own and comment on their peer’s additions to the blog. The students would not be expected to start commenting on other students work without a few minutes talking about how they needed to be constructive with their comments. Only positive comments are allowed.
During the actual trip to the zoo, the students will hopefully be more inquisitive due to the research and blogging done prior to the visit. Raising their prior knowledge with the blogging should definitely get them thinking and learning during the visit to the zoo.
After the zoo visit, I would post a few comments to the blog about what I saw and learned with a request that the students do the same. My post would encourage the students to comment on their peer’s comments as well as to add their own. Depending on the amount of comments and interaction, I may add questions for the students to answer relating to the trip to the zoo. These questions may involve some research using the links I posted to the blog.
Some ways to extend this lesson would be to have the students complete writing assignments relating to the zoo visit. These assignments may be short stories, research projects, and poems. The blog would be a way for the students to publish their work and allow their parents to see and comment on the classroom work. Any students without computers at home would be allowed time in class to post their work on the computer or can hand in a hard copy. Student volunteers may be recruited to help type and post these assignments to the blog.
The lesson will be assessed according to the following four-point rubric for a total of twelve points.
1 2 3 4
4)Student posts many original ideas 3)Student posts some original ideas 2)Student posts few original ideas 1)Student post no original ideas
4)Student adds many appropriate comments to other student’s posts. 3)Student adds some appropriate comments to other student’s posts. 2)Student adds few appropriate comments to other student’s posts. 1)Student adds no appropriate comments to other student’s posts.
4)Student uses all 5th grade quality sentences. 3)Student uses mostly all 5th grade quality sentences. 2)Student uses some 5th grade quality sentences. 1)Student uses no 5th grade quality sentences.
The Standards (RI GLEs) that will be addressed are:
W–5–1.1 Students demonstrate command of the structures of sentences, paragraphs, and text by…• Using varied sentence length and structure to enhance meaning (e.g., including phrases and clauses).
W 5-11.2 Students demonstrates the habit of writing extensively by... sharing thoughts, observations, or impressions.
W 5-9.5 In independent writing, students demonstrate command of appropriate English conventions by...correctly spelling grade-appropriate, high frequency words, including homonyms and homophones and applying syllables and affix spelling patterns/rules.
W 5-6.1 In informational writing (reports or procedures), students organize ideas/concepts by …using an organizational text structure appropriate to focus/controlling idea.
Matthew Records
Deliverable # 2
Lesson Plan
Eighty percent of the current teaching that I do in my computer applications class revolves around giving students the basic skills in using Microsoft Office. We touch upon word, excel, and power point. The other twenty percent is teaching students how to determine whether or not web information is valid or invalid while doing research. With the current way that I am teaching I find myself always rushing through material. I feel the addition of blogging into my educational curriculum will help the time management worries that I am currently having and add a little intrigue into my class. In the near future I want to implement a five lesson unit on blogging and how we will use blogging throughout the quarter to support student learning in my class. I feel being able to interact with students through a blog while in school or at home will help me move through teaching material quicker and with more efficiency. I feel having a class blog will make my class more interesting to students, which is a huge motivational factor in student learning. If students are interested in something they are much more likely to want to learn it. This five lesson unit will be the foundation of my class and referred back to throughout the quarter even though we may be working on other subject matter.
Mr. Records class blog will be used in the following ways over an eight week period.
- gives general class information
- delivering notes to students at school and at home
- giving homework assignments posted by teacher
- receiving student home work assignments as posts.
- posting a daily question on our current content. i.e.: blogging, word, excel, PowerPoint, internet.
- I can answer any student question about a current topic while not in school.
- parent and faculty communication about current events in my class.
- current computer science news, important dates, study guides, commonly asked questions by computer science students.
Note: I meet quarterly with different students. I have eight weeks with each class. I would not be able to implement this until the start of the second quarter on November 14th.
Deliverable # 2 lesson plan will revolve around an introduction lesson on how to use a blog. This would be the second of five introductory lessons. The five lesson blogging unit would be the foundation of my class throughout the quarter in terms of posting student reflection on what they have currently learned, giving homework assignments and notes, communicating with students, parents, and school faculty, improving their computer technology awareness, and fostering literacy. The blog will serve as a tool for the entire class to interact with each other about current class content throughout the eight weeks. Blogging will allow my students to do this while in class or at home. After developing the basics of how we will be using our class blog we can continue to go back to the blog as a learning tool throughout the quarter. Students will end up with eight weeks of blogging experience. I feel the principal of the middle school I teach at would be an advocate of this idea. He recommended me taking this class and I feel he wants me to go in the direction of using blogging in my curriculum. I would like to present this idea to him in the near future and see how he feels about the change.
Although my current ideas are basic I feel the more experience I get teaching blogging the better I will be able to reflect on past experiences. With that knowledge I feel I will be able to innovate and modify the way I use my class blog in the future.
Introductory Blogging lesson # 1/5
This is the first lesson I would teach out of five lessons in the unit.
1.) Students will be able to describe what a blog is, three different ways a blog can be used, and will be able to describe how we will be using blogs in the computer science educational setting.
2.) Students will demonstrate the ability to access the computer science blog and post information via the internet while in class or at home.
3.) Students will be to demonstrate the ability to answer the posted computer science daily questions then post their answer on the class blog. Students can use posted ideas of their classmates that they read off the class blog however, they must give the student that they took their information from credit within their post. This will be my attempt to have student’s foster literacy however, not plagiarize.
4.) After answering the daily questions students will demonstrate the ability to ask a question about something they are unsure about within the content of the lesson. Then reflect on what they have learned up to that current point. They will be able to demonstrate posting this information on the class blog for their classmates to read. A student will be allowed to answer a classmates question as their reflection post.
Pre Activities to lesson # 1
Since this is the first lesson of the quarter the only pre activity I have is a word processed assignment called "All About Me''. This assignment allows me to learn a little bit about my students and gives me an idea through observation what type of skills a student has on a computer. Lesson 1 will be the pre activity to the following lessons in the unit and the foundation of my class.
Introduction to Blogging (Lesson # 1)
This first lesson will be an introductory lesson to the blogging unit. In this lesson the following ideas will be covered.
1.) Set Induction (5 minutes)
A set induction about how we will use blogs during our eight weeks together.
2.) Class Discussion ( 10 minutes)
The set induction will lead into a class discussion on blogging. I will have the following prompts prepared.
1.) What is blog and how are they used?
2.) How have you seen blogs used prior to this class?
3.) How do blogs help students become better readers and learners?
4.) How do you think we will use blogging in this computer science class?
I will use student answers, questions, and my prompts to facilitate the class discussion.
3.) Power Point (10 minutes)
Next I will have power point prepared very similar to the power point Dave showed us during session 1 in EDC 921. I would like to actually use that PowerPoint if I am allowed to do that, making a few minor adjustments such as detailing how blogging will be the foundation of learning in our class.
This slide show in addition to our class discussion should give my students a proficient background on blogging
4.) In Class Activity Assignment # 1 and Explanation of Homework Assignment
- (25 minutes)
After the set induction, class discussion, and PowerPoint I will show students how to access our class blog. The URL is As a class we will go to the blog and only for a few minutes navigate through the page to get students familiar with the blog. As students open the blog they will see the PowerPoint that was just presented to them. This PowerPoint will stay on the blog as a reference to my students throughout the quarter and the year.
Once the each student in my class has accessed the blog I will show the students that the daily homework assignments will be posted under the daily assignments link. I will have a sample question ready. Each member of my class will answer this sample question and post their answer before class is over. I want them to answer this sample question in class so I know they will be able to do their following homework assignment. I will tell students that at 2:30 p.m. their homework assignment will be posted under the assignments link. All expectations of the assignment will be explained in detail at that time on the blog. Students must post the assignment before 6 am the following day or it is considered late.
The sample question is: What is your prior experience with blogging?
What do you know about blogging?
5.) Daily Homework Blogging Assignment # 2
- Students will have to access the computer science blog from home.
- Once the student accesses the blog they will have to answer four questions and then post their answers. Then they have to ask one question and reflect on their learning experience.
The Daily Blogging Assignment # 2 questions will be:
- What is a blog?
- What are three different ways a blog can be used?
- How do you think we will use our class blog throughout the quarter?
- In the future in what way do you think you would find yourself using a blog?
Next students will reflect on their learning experiences the will have to:
- Ask one question they have about the current content presented.
- Reflect on what they have learned during Intro to blogging lesson #1
*All answers by students will be posted and graded as part of the assignment.*
Teaching Adaptations and Modifications.
1.) What if student doesn't have home computer?
I have been teaching this course for a year now and I have yet to have a student who does not have a home computer. However, if the time comes where a student does not have a home computer I will have to allocate time for the student to be on the computer before, during, or after school. With effective communication between the student’s teachers, my self, and the student’s parents I feel this adaptation can be made.
2.) What will I do if a student has a disability?
I have several students with disabilities in my classes. I have one student with Down syndrome; all students with disabilities have a para-professional that shadows them. I feel if I can teach the paraprofessional what to do and what my objectives are they can support and teach the student in a one on one environment about how to post, read, and access the blog.
Lesson # 1
Grading will fall under the system I already have in place.
- Participation - A Daily Grade falls under class participation
- Daily Assignment # 1 = in class sample blog question assignment
- Daily Assignment # 2 = Posting answer to questions, asking a question, and posting daily reflection.
A.) Participation - 15% of student’s total grade at end of quarter.
Daily Grade falls under class participation and is based out of 100 points each day.
Students are graded on how well they follow class procedures and expectations during the:
• Set induction,
• Class discussion
• Blog PowerPoint I present,
• During the demonstration of how to access the class blog, read its posts, navigate through the blog page, and post comments when necessary.
Class procedures and expectations and expectations are as follows.
1.) Listening with your eyes
2.) Staying on task
3.) Verbal participation during discussions
4.) Not clicking mouse or keyboard while teacher or classmate is talking.
5.) Raising your hand when you have an idea.
Every time a student does not follow these expectations and procedures 10 points are taken off their daily participation grade.
B.) Daily Assignments = 25% of students total grade at end of quarter.
In this lesson there are two daily assignments.
1.) In class daily assignment # 1 - (10 points)
In Class Sample Questions:
-What is your prior experience with blogging?
- What do you know about blogging?
The above in class assignment will be graded out of 10 points.
-Students will get 7 points credit for getting the answer posted on the class blog before the end of class.
- The quality of content in the post will be graded out of 3 points
2.) Homework daily assignment # 2 – (20 points)
Homework questions:
-What is a blog?
- What are three different ways a blog can be used?
- How do you think we will use our class blog throughout the quarter?
- In the future in what way do you think you would find yourself using a blog
This daily homework assignment is graded out of 20 points.
*Students will receive the following amount of points for posting each assignment on time as well as having a quality answer posted on the blog.
Four Homework Questions Answered and Posted = (12 points)
- 2 points per question posted. ( 8 points total )
- 1 point per quality answer. ( 4 points total )
- What is a blog?
- What are three different ways a blog can be used?
- How do you think we will use our class blog throughout the quarter?
- In the future in what way do you think you would find yourself using a blog?
Daily Reflection
Posted question = 2 points
Posted learning reflection = 2 points
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